Blended Family Parenting

Apr 3 2024, 12 pm - 1:30 pm
Apr 3 2024, 12 pm - 1:30 pm
1 out of every 3 Americans is either a step-parent, a step-child, or has some other form of a blended family. This means almost 100 million people everywhere are a part of a blended family.
Come learn more about what you bring as a parent, meet other parents, and build a support system. You can complete one or all six modules. Come join us at any time!
This class meets every other Wednesday beginning on 7 February 2024, from 1200-1330.
Location: ACS ANNEX 1481 Titus Blvd. Building 7492
Registration Information
Army Community Service - ACS Annex (Family Nurturing Center)
Closed for Federal Holidays