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Employment Readiness Program (ERP)

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    CC El Paso

The Employment Readiness Program (ERP) is here to assist you with your employment needs. Our Employment Readiness Specialists provide one-on-one resume reviews, job search assistance, interview preparation, career skills development, and various employment resources. 

Register for a class and/or professional development workshop below under the  “Class – Online Registration” tab.

Click here to join our monthly Job Spotlight, delivered directly to your email. Receive a compilation of jobs highlighting local employers seeking military affiliated talent.

To request an appointment with an ERP Specialist, click here.


Are you a transitioning Service Member needing to begin your transition assistance and learn about other resources? Click on the Ft Carson TAP link below to learn more.

Stop by or call the TAP front desk at 719-526-1001 or 719-526-1002 to schedule your initial counseling.  

The Employment Readiness Program (ERP) offers resources to help with your career plan and job search. Whether you’re a military spouse or Family member who just moved to a new installation, retiree, DoD Civilian looking for new opportunities, or active duty military, Active Reserve, National Guard member, or Wounded Warrior, we’re here to help.


Our services include:

  • Up-to-date information on local, national, and international employment opportunities, job market trends and education, and volunteer resources
  • Information on job fairs (in person and virtual) and other hiring events
  • Assistance with employment applications
  • Career counseling and individual career assessments
  • Résumé critiques
  • Classes and seminars on self-assessment and career exploration, resume writing, interviewing techniques, dressing for success, networking, and entrepreneurship
  • Information on spouse licensure reimbursement (re-licensing at a new duty station can be costly)

*Not all programs and classes are available at all ACS facilities.

Are you ready? Contact your Employment Readiness Program manager (ERPM) for more information.


Additional Resources:

(Government Links)


(Non-Government, No Endorsement Implied)

Classes - Online Registration
Please let us know if you would like to take free professional headshots following the LinkedIn Fundamentals workshop.
Registration is only required for virtual attendance. Feel free to walk-in! You will receive a registration confirmation email and Microsoft Teams login instructions if choosing the virtual option.
Employment Document Templates

Private Sector / Civilian Resume Templates: 

  • Chronological Resume: Organizes your resume through employment in most recent order working backwards. 

  • Functional Resume: Organizes your skills, highlighting them first, then listing your employment periods at the end. 
  • Combination Resume: Combines the structure of both the Chronological Resume and Functional Resume. 

Federal Resume Templates: 

  • Chronological Resume: Organizes your resume through employment in most recent order working backwards. 

Cover Letter Templates: 

*Resume and cover letter templates are for free general support. Templates do not guarantee job offers.

New or PCSing Spouses Information

Employment Readiness Program (ERP) Guide

Use following email link to request ERP services. Complete the email information and send it to ERP here.

Job Spotlight (Monthly)

Seasonal Job Opportunities

Upcoming Hiring Events & Resources

VeteranPCS Real Estate Internship

Hiring our Heroes Fellowship Program

Job Spotlight for March 2025

Job Spotlight for November 24-December 14, 2024

Job Spotlight for October 13-October 26, 2024

Job Spotlight for September 29-October 12, 2024

MyCAA - My Career Advancement Account Scholarship

Get the Credentials You Need to Achieve Your Career Goals!

The My Career Advancement Account (MyCAA) Scholarship Program is a workforce development program that provides up to $4,000 of financial assistance for licenses, certifications, or Associate’s degrees to pursue an occupation or career field. 

For eligibility information check out the fact sheet.

For MyCAA scholarship information and assistance please call 1-800-342-9647. 

More information and resources can be found at:

Community Partners and Resources

Hiring Our HeroesThe Hiring Our Heroes (HOH) initiative launched in March 2011 as a nationwide effort to connect veterans, service members, and military spouses with meaningful employment opportunities including fellowships, career intensives, hiring fairs and career transition resources.

Spouse Education & Career Opportunities (SECO): SECO is a Department of Defense Spouse Education and Career Opportunities (SECO) program that provides education and career guidance to military spouses worldwide and offers comprehensive resources and tools for all stages of your career progression.

Pikes Peak Workforce Center: The Pikes Peak Workforce Center (PPWFC) is the American Job Center serving El Paso and Teller counties. PPWFC connects vital businesses with work-ready job seekers and employer-driven services. Create an account with Connecting Colorado to access the state and county run job bank!

Colorado Springs Military Spouse Career Coalition (MSCC): The MSCC is a collaborative effort of community leaders, employers and like-minded partners to promote meaningful employment opportunities for Military Spouses. 

Onward to Opportunity (O2O): O2O is a free career training program that provides professional certification and employee support services to transitioning service members, veterans and military spouses. O2O combines industry-validated curricula, strong partnerships with leading veteran service organizations and private sector companies, and comprehensive career coaching services to prepare and match you with your next career.

American Corporate Partners: ACP’s free Mentoring Program connects post-9/11 veterans, active-duty spouses and eligible military spouses (Protégés) with corporate professionals (Mentors) for customized mentorships. ACP assists veterans and eligible spouses on their path towards fulfilling, long-term careers, whether the veteran is job searching or newly employed.

Military Spouse Jobs: Formerly known as the Military Spouse Corporate Career Network (MSCCN), provides career placement and advancement services to Military Spouses, caregivers and military family members. 

Military Spouse Employment Partnership: MSEP is a Department of Defense program that connects Military Spouses with over 500 partner employers who have committed to recruit, hire, promote and retain Military Spouses. There are thousands of active jobs for Military Spouses advertised through their job portal. 

Licensure in Colorado (New, Reimbursement and Reinstatement)


The Department of Regulatory Agencies (DORA) is the state's umbrella regulatory agency, charged with managing licensing and registration for multiple professions and businesses, implementing balanced regulation for Colorado industries, and protecting consumers. Professional support for Service Members and Military Spouses include:

  • Military Relocated Spouse Licensure: Effective January 1, 2021, Military Spouses may obtain three-year temporary credentials for any profession or occupation under the purview of DPO, if they hold a credential in good standing from another US state or territory and meet certain other requirements. This new program is provided at no cost to the military spouse.

          - Applications are available on the online portal here.

          - View a list of frequently asked questions here.

          - View the complete list of professional licenses regulated by DORA here

          - Questions? Please contact Joan Rinaldi, or call the                            Division of Professions and Occupations Military Liaison at 303-894-3013.

  • License Renewal Fee Waivers: For licenses issued by the Division of Professions and Occupations, if requirements that are set in state law are met, you may be considered for a waiver of your renewal fees and/or a waiver of any continuing education or professional competency requirements. Official military documentation must be provided that satisfy each of the three requirements.
  • Military License Reinstatement: The Division of Professions & Occupations (DPO) has implemented Colorado legislation to establish reinstatement for a military member’s expired license. License reinstatement may be available to members of the military currently on active duty for a minimum of 30 days and veterans who have not been dishonorably discharged.
  • Military Career Pathways: DORA licenses and regulates more than 50 licenses and occupations in the state of Colorado and is committed to providing professional support and outstanding customer service to Active Duty, Reserves, National Guard, military spouses and Veterans. The assistance offered to active military personnel, veterans and their families in transitioning into civilian life include special programs and initiatives aimed at assisting with transporting existing credentials or acquiring professional Colorado credentials while meeting life needs during military service or during the transition to civilian life. 


Military spouses serving in professions with occupational license requirements face special challenges. They experience gaps in employment and costly interruptions in their career trajectory due to frequent relocations. It is the policy of the U.S. Department of Labor to reduce employment barriers and enhance career opportunities for military spouses. Colorado is one of many states that support military spouse license recognition options by allowing for expedited applications, temporary licenses, or complete license recognition.

  • Click here to view occupations with Interstate Reciprocity Agreements.
  • Click here for the Portability of Professional Licenses and Certificates for Servicemembers and Their Spouses 


Eligibility: In accordance with AD 2020–01, the army will reimburse a soldier for qualified relicensing costs of the spouse when––

  • the soldier is reassigned, either as a permanent change of station (pcs) or permanent change of assignment, from a duty station in one state to a duty station in another state and the movement of the soldier's dependents is authorized at the expense of the united states as part of the reassignment.
  • The spouse is not required to have held the license in the immediately preceding duty station state. So long as the spouse, while married to the soldier, held the license at any prior duty station state, reimbursement eligibility requirements are met upon pcs to the new duty station state. Thus, for example, a soldier pcsing from outside of the continental united US to the continental US may meet eligibility requirements for spousal licensure reimbursement. Likewise, a soldier’s spouse who, upon pcs to a new state, renews their license after a lapse between duty stations may meet eligibility requirements.

Reimbursement Amount: 

  • When the request for reimbursement was adjudicated on or prior to 19 December 2019, the reimbursable amount is the lesser amount between fees paid and $500.
  • When the request for reimbursement was adjudicated on or after 20 December 2019, the reimbursable amount is the lesser amount between fees paid and $1,000. 

Applying for Reimbursement: Eligible Service Members may apply for the reimbursement of qualified relicensing costs of a spouse by submitting the supporting documents to their units S-1. Supporting Documents include:

  • A completed Standard Form (SF) 1034, approved by the unit commander. The unit S-1/personnel designated official will certify the voucher. View sample SF 1034 here.
  • A copy of current PCS orders.
  • Verification of spouse’s license number, type of license and state.
  • Copy of new state license and/or certification.
  • Proof of fees paid for relicensing and/or recertification from current permanent duty station.


Spouse Licensure Reimbursement Procedures

View the complete Army Directive (ALARACT 006/2021) here.

Federal Employment Opportunities - Appropriated Funds

Appropriated Fund Opportunities can be found on USAJOBS. To complete your profile for the best application submission, register and follow the directions below. 

You need to create a account to sign into USAJOBS and access your profile information. Your old USAJOBS username and password won't work anymore.

You need to:

  1. Create a account—you only need to do this once.
  2. Enter an email address - use the same email address you use for USAJOBS (your primary or secondary email address), if you have an existing profile with us.
  3. Create a new password.
  4. Select your first method of authentication—having another way to sign in keeps your account more secure than using only a password. You can choose between text messages, phone calls, an authentication application, a security key, or backup codes. Government employees can also use their PIV card or CAC.
  5. Select a backup method of authentication—you need to select a backup method; in case you don't have access to your first choice (for example you don't have access to your phone).

Once you create a account, you'll come back to USAJOBS to link to your existing profile or create a new profile if you don't have one. You only need to create your account and link it once. Get step by step instructions on creating an account at

If you have limited access to a phone or cell service, you can set up an authentication app or use a free text messaging app.

All Federal Opportunities within 25 miles of Fort Carson on USAJOBS 

U.S. Army Garrison Fort Carson positions in USAJOBS

Federal Employment - Nonappropriated Fund (NAF) Opportunities

NAF Employment Opportunities within 25 miles of Fort Carson on USAJOBS

Are you a current Non-Appropriated Fund (NAF) employee?

The Army NAF Civilian Employment Assignment Tool (CEAT) enables many current NAF employees to voluntarily request a non-competitive transfer to another Army installation where the same position may be available. Transfer requests are only authorized from one Army installation to another Army installation or a Joint Base if it is serviced by Army NAF Human Resources. CEAT applies to NAF employees in the following categories:

  • Child and Youth Program Assistants (CYPAs)
  • NF-03 and below
  • NAF FWS-NA, NL, and NS pay bands

 View more information on the CEAT process here

Live on post and interested in starting your own child care business?

Family Child Care (FCC) was created with the Military Spouse in mind. The FCC program provides support, free training, free referrals, free resources and child care subsidies. FCC continues to be a cost effective child care delivery system, offering parents quality programming at a 15% costs savings compared to child development centers. For more information visit

Remote & Telework from Home Opportunities

FlexJobs - Military Spouses qualify for a FREE membership - get started here.

VirtForce-Military Friendly Employers

Instant Teams

AMAZON Remote Jobs

United Healthcare Remote Jobs

Freedom Learning Group (FLG)

TTEC - Work From Home

Pearl Interactive - Virtual Care Navigators

Lumen Learning - Subject Matter Experts

Colorado State University (CSU) Global

Federal Remote Opportunities -

Military Spouse & Veteran Entrepreneurship Information

Colorado Small Business Development Center

U.S. Small Business Administration

The Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans' Families (EBV-F)

SCORE Southern Colorado 

Apprenticeship Opportunities (Colorado Springs Area)

Apprenticeship Finder

Colorado Registered Apprenticeship Programs