- Europe (OCONUS)
Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (ATFP) Level One Training: Required for Soldiers and their dependents 14 years of age or older going overseas.
Destination Europe: Get a better idea of what to expect. Learn about PCS, clearing Fort Carson, and what your new journey will bring. Spouses are encouraged to attend. Held every 3rd Wednesday of the month from 12 to 12:30 p.m. at the ACS Center, Bldg. 1526. To register, click here.
Driving: Prepare for the autobahn by reviewing the study guide and taking an online practice test.
Family Travel (Official): For details, call +1(719)526-8435. For questions related to EFMP screenings, call +1(719)526-0400. Depending on assignment; dental screenings are also required for dependents.
Garrison Information: Europe installations.
German (Start to learn): Use Mango, available through the Army MWR Library. DOD ID number and Date of Birth required; a login does not need to be created.
MilitaryINSTALLATIONS: Up-to-date installation information. Offers articles, photos, major unit listings and contacts for programs and services.
MilSpouse Money Mission: Helping military spouses PCS.
MWR (Europe): Check out what is available.
Pets: All expenses and verification of Pet Space with the airline is the responsibility of the Soldier. When booking your official airline tickets, let the office know that you have a pet(s), the size of the carrier, and weight of carrier and pet together; they will request space but you must verify Pet Space with the airline. For help, call the Fort Carson Veterinary at +1(719)526-3803. Specific airline information is available below:
Relocating with Kids: Support materials available. If you have a school aged child, we encourage you to contact the School Support Services, Bldg. 1518, to speak with a School Liaison Officer, +1(719)526-1101.
- Military Youth and Teen Programs: Information on various programs.
- Sesame Street: Making the move an adventure.
Retention of On-Post Family Housing: If your Family will be staying during your assignment, initiate a Retention of Family Housing Request Form for approval. For help, contact Fort Carson Family Homes.
Shipping your Vehicle: If you are authorized a vehicle shipment, drop off will be at a Vehicle Processing Center (VPC). For specifics, visit www.pcsmypov.com.
Stripes Europe: PCS information specific to European locations.
Stripes Magazine (Best of Germany): Get a wide variety of essential information ranging from European banking to bill paying and utilities to finding a car or home. Parents, learn about DODDs-Europe, German schools and daycare options.
Unaccompanied / Geographically Separated Families: Enroll into the Waiting Families Program. Connect with your local military community. Receive information on special events, resources and materials to make the separation as smooth as possible. To enroll, click here.
- Hawaii (OCONUS) - Part 1 to 2
Destination Hawaii: Schedule your one-on-one to get a better idea of what to expect. Learn about PCS, clearing Fort Carson, and what your new journey will bring. Spouses are encouraged to attend.
Newcomers Information: Take advantage and get ready for your Hawaiian adventure.
- 154 WG - Air National Guard
- Driving in Hawaii: Drivers in the Military in Hawaii.
- Go Hawaii: Official tourism website.
- Hawaii Family & MWR: Check out what is available.
- Joint Base Pearl Harbor - Hickman
- MCB Hawaii
- Schofield Barracks - Fort Shafter
- USAG Hawaii - Official Post Website
Family Travel (Official): For details, call +1(719)526-8435. For questions related to EFMP screenings, call +1(719)526-0400. Depending on assignment; dental screenings are also required for dependents.
Foreign Languages: Military OneSource offers more than 70 different language with Mango. It's a great time to start learning Japanese, or maybe there's another language you would like to learn. For details, call +1(800)342-9647.
MilSpouse Money Mission: Helping military spouses PCS.
Pets: All expenses and verification of Pet Space with the airline is the responsibility of the Soldier. When booking your official airline tickets, let the office know that you have a pet(s), the size of the carrier, and weight of carrier and pet together; they will request space but you must verify Pet Space with the airline. For help, call the Fort Carson Veterinary at +1(719)526-3803. Specific airline information is available below:
Relocating with Kids: Support materials available. If you have a school aged child, we encourage you to contact the School Support Services, Bldg. 1518, to speak with a School Liaison Officer, +1(719)526-1101.
- Military Youth and Teen Programs: Information on various programs.
- Sesame Street: Making the move an adventure.
Retention of Family Housing: If you reside on post and your Family will be staying during your assignment, initiate a Retention of Family Housing Request Form for approval. For assistance, contact Fort Carson Family Homes.
Shipping your Vehicle Overseas: If you are authorized a vehicle shipment, drop off will be at a Vehicle Processing Center (VPC). For specifics, visit www.pcsmypov.com.
Unaccompanied / Geographically Separated Families: Enroll into the Waiting Families Program. Connect with your local military community. Receive information on special events, resources and materials to make the separation as smooth as possible. To enroll, click here.
Other Resources:
- Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (ATFP) Level One Training: Required for Soldiers and their dependents 14 years of age or older going overseas.
- Japan (OCONUS)
Destination Japan: Schedule your one-on-one to get a better idea of what to expect. Learn about PCS, clearing Fort Carson, and what your new journey will bring. Spouses are encouraged to attend.
Family Travel (Official): For details, call +1(719)526-8435. For questions related to EFMP screenings, call +1(719)526-0400. Depending on assignment; dental screenings are also required for dependents.
Foreign Languages: Military OneSource offers more than 70 different language with Mango. It's a great time to start learning Japanese, or maybe there's another language you would like to learn. For details, call +1(800)342-9647.
Newcomers (Camp Zama): Take advantage and get ready for your adventure in Japan.
- Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS)
- Family and MWR
- Military Installations Information
- Official Post Website
Newcomers (Torii Station): Take advantage and get ready for your adventure in Japan.
- Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (BOSS)
- Family and MWR
- Military Installations Information
- Official Post Website
Pets: All expenses and verification of Pet Space with the airline is the responsibility of the Soldier. When booking your official airline tickets, let the office know that you have a pet(s), the size of the carrier, and weight of carrier and pet together; they will request space but you must verify Pet Space with the airline. For help, call the Fort Carson Veterinary at +1(719)526-3803. Specific airline information is available below:
Relocating with Kids: Support materials available. If you have a school aged child, we encourage you to contact the School Support Services, Bldg. 1518, to speak with a School Liaison Officer, +1(719)526-1101.
- Military Kids Connect: DoD website the help military youth 6-17 with military life.
- Military Youth and Teen Programs: Information on various programs.
- Sesame Street: Making the move an adventure.
Retention of On-Post Family Housing: If your Family will be staying during your assignment, initiate a Retention of Family Housing Request Form for approval. For help, contact Fort Carson Family Homes.
Shipping your Vehicle: If you are authorized a vehicle shipment, drop off will be at a Vehicle Processing Center (VPC). For specifics, visit www.pcsmypov.com.
Unaccompanied / Geographically Separated Families: Enroll into the Waiting Families Program. Connect with your local military community. Receive information on special events, resources and materials to make the separation as smooth as possible. To enroll, click here.
Other Resources:
- Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (ATFP) Level One Training: Required for Soldiers and their dependents 14 years of age or older going overseas.
- MilSpouse Money Mission: Helping military spouses PCS.
- For All Overseas Locations - Part 2 of 2
Anti-Terrorism/Force Protection (ATFP) Level One Training: Required for Soldiers and their dependents 14 years of age or older going overseas.
Family Travel (Official): For details, call +1(719)526-8435. For questions related to EFMP screenings, call +1(719)526-0400. Depending on assignment; dental screenings are also required for dependents.
Foreign Languages: Military OneSource offers more than 70 different language with Mango. It's a great time to start learning Japanese, or maybe there's another language you would like to learn. For details, call +1(800)342-9647.
MilSpouse Money Mission: Helping military spouses PCS.
Pets: All expenses and verification of Pet Space with the airline is the responsibility of the Soldier. When booking your official airline tickets, let the office know that you have a pet(s), the size of the carrier, and weight of carrier and pet together; they will request space but you must verify Pet Space with the airline. For help, call the Fort Carson Veterinary at +1(719)526-3803. Specific airline information is available below:
Relocating with Kids: Support materials available. If you have a school aged child, we encourage you to contact the School Support Services, Bldg. 1518, to speak with a School Liaison Officer, +1(719)526-1101.
- Military Kids Connect: DoD website the help military youth 6-17 with military life.
- Military Youth and Teen Programs: Information on various programs.
- Sesame Street: Making the move an adventure.
Retention of Family Housing: If you reside on post and your Family will be staying during your assignment, initiate a Retention of Family Housing Request Form for approval. For assistance, contact Fort Carson Family Homes.
Shipping your Vehicle Overseas: If you are authorized a vehicle shipment, drop off will be at a Vehicle Processing Center (VPC). For specifics, visit www.pcsmypov.com.
Unaccompanied / Geographically Separated Families: Enroll into the Waiting Families Program. Connect with your local military community. Receive information on special events, resources and materials to make the separation as smooth as possible. To enroll, click here.
- Other Overseas Locations (OCONUS)
Destination Overseas Appointment: Request a one-on-one. Get a better idea of what to expect. Learn the basics of the PCS process at Fort Carson, as well as receive information on what is required and helpful. Spouses encouraged to attend.
Installation Information: MilitaryINSTALLATIONS offers up-to-date information on your next pcs location. Provides articles, photos, major unit listings and contacts for programs and services.
Newcomers Information: Take advantage and get ready for your European adventure.
- Overall Locations
Installation Information: MilitaryINSTALLATIONS offers up-to-date information on your next duty station ranging from photos to major unit listings to specific contact details.
Leave Extension: Save the Army Travel Assistance Center to your cell phone. If you are unable to make it to your next duty station by your report date, it is critical notification is made. Call +1(800)582-5552 and your new assignment's Replacement Center.
Military Interstate Compact: Educational opportunities for military children.
MilSpouse Money Mission: Helping military spouses PCS.
Newcomers Information: Be proactive and get information on your next duty station by requesting a stateside PCS relocation packet. Items range from Fodor's Travel Guides to installation specific booklets to Road Atlases. Additional resources include:
PCS 101 Appointment: Request a one-on-one. Get ready to PCS, whether its the 1st time or a refresher would be helpful. Learn the basics of the PCS process at Fort Carson, as well as receive information on what is required and helpful. Spouses encouraged to attend.
Pets: If help, call the Fort Carson Veterinary Clinic at +1(719)526-3803. Specific airline links are below:
Relocation Counseling: Do you have questions? Not sure where to start? Schedule a one-on-one appointment. Whether it's you first move or one of many, it's always helpful to have someone go over those key areas that can affect your transition. Our staff is ready to assist you with information and resources that will lessen those stressors.
- Request a Stateside PCS Appointment: Allow 2 business days for a response.
Retention of Family Housing: If you reside on post and your Family will be staying during your assignment, initiate a Retention of Family Housing Request Form for approval. For assistance, contact Fort Carson Family Homes.
Relocating with Kids: Support materials available. If you have a school aged child, we encourage you to contact the School Support Services, Bldg. 1518, to speak with a School Liaison Officer, +1(719)526-1101.
- Military Kids Connect: DoD website the help military youth 6-17 with military life.
- Military Youth and Teen Programs: Information on various programs.
- Sesame Street: Making the move an adventure.
Unaccompanied / Geographically Separated Families: Enroll into the Waiting Families Program. Connect with your local military community. Receive information on special events, resources and materials to make the separation as smooth as possible. To enroll, click here.
- Recruiting
Family Assistance Programs: Get information on services ranging from Family Advocacy to Family Readiness Groups to TRICARE and Financial Assistance.
Leasing a Home: Finding a home during your recruiting assignment, to include the application process and useful links.
Newcomers information: Separated by BDE's/Battalions:
- 1st Recruiting BDE - Albany, Baltimore, Richmond, Harrisburg, Mid-Atlantic, New England, New York City and Syracuse
- 2nd Recruiting BDE - Atlanta, Columbia, Jacksonville, Miami, Montgomery, Raleigh, Tampa, and Baton Rouge
- 3rd Recruiting BDE - Chicago, Cleveland, Columbus, Indianapolis, Great Lakes, Milwaukee, Minneapolis, and Nashville
- 5th Recruiting BDE - Dallas, Denver, Houston, Kansas City, Oklahoma City, San Antonio, and Phoenix
- 6th Recruiting BDE - Central California, Los Angeles, Portland, Northern California, Salt Lake City, Southern California, and Seattle
- Medical Recruiting BDE - 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 5th, and 6th Medical Recruiting Battalion
Private Fitness Facility Membership Program: Fees covered up to $50, depending on assignment location.
YMCA Gym Membership Program: At no cost, depending on assignment location.
Career Skills Program (CSP): Programs vary from welding to IT Server & Cloud Administration to VA Comps Claim to CDL to Diesel Technician. Information sessions available on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from noon to 3 p.m. at the TAP Center, Bldg. 6237. For details, call +1(719)526-1197 or email at usarmy.carson.imcom-central.mbx.dhr-mpd-csp@mail.mil.
ETS Appointment: Request a one-on-one. Discuss those key topics which can affect a transition and can make all the difference (e.g., where to live, schools for kids, transitioning from TRICARE). Spouses encouraged to attend.
Shipping Personal Items: Do not wait, start the process as soon as possible.
Soldier for Life - Transition Assistance Program (SFL-TAP)
TRICARE: Assistance during separation process.
- National Guard
Benefits Guide for Service Members and Families: Need to know information.
Service Providers: Find one near you (ex: Family Support Center, Transition Coordinator, Family Assistance Specialist).
Transitioning from Active Duty to National Guard: Starting the process.
- Retirement
Career Skills Program (CSP): Programs vary from welding to IT Server & Cloud Administration to VA Comps Claim to CDL to Diesel Technician. Information sessions available on the 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from noon to 3 p.m. at the TAP Center, Bldg. 6237. For details, call +1(719)526-1197 or email at usarmy.carson.imcom-central.mbx.dhr-mpd-csp@mail.mil.
Financial Readiness Resources: Its never to early to start.
Medical Records: Request archived medical records.
Relocation Packet: Want information on your next location, send us a request. If so, let us help. Items range from Fodor's Travel Guides to Installation Specific Booklets to Road Atlases. Packets must be picked up in person.
Retirement Services Office (RSO)
Shipping Personal Items: Do not wait, start the process as soon as possible.
Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
TRICARE: Assistance during retirement process.
Veterans Affairs (VA) Disability: Fort Carson office.
- Overall Helpful Resources
Going Overseas: If you are going overseas after you retire and need information on your location, request a one-one appointment. Topics are focused on those key areas which are needed to have a successful move. Specific information on your next location is provided.
MilSpouse Money Mission: Helping military spouses make a successful transition out of the Army.
Relocating with Kids: Parents, we have various materials to assist. If you have a school aged child, we encourage you to contact the School Support Services, Bldg. 1518, to speak with a School Liaison Officer, +1(719)526-1101.
- Military Kids Connect: DoD website the help military youth 6-17 with military life.
- Military Youth and Teen Programs: Information on various programs.
- Sesame Street: Making the move an adventure.
- Staying in Colorado - Local Resources
Legal Clinic: Meet with an attorney free of charge and get information on topics such as veteran’s resources, benefits, taxes, housing and family law. Available on 4th Tuesday of the from noon to 3 p.m. in the PFC Floyd K. Lindstrom VA Outpatient Clinic Mt. Yale Conference room. Provided by the CBA Military & Veterans’ Affairs Section. Come early; clinic will close early if no one is here waiting to be seen.
Operation TBI Freedom: Non-profit located in Colorado Springs which offers case
management services throughout Colorado. Services vary from crisis management to employment training to assistance navigating complex benefits system. For details, call +1(855)355-6824 or email OTF@craighospital.org.Troops to Teachers: Teaching in Colorado.
- Requesting Clearing Papers for DHR
Transitions, to include reassignments is located in the Mountain Post Soldier Center, Bldg. 1525. To initiate clearing, download & fill out the Clearing Papers Request Form. We highly encourage you download and review all resources provided on the Out-processing webpage.
If PCSing, take the time review pcs documents on the Reassignments webpage. Soldiers & Spouses are highly encouraged to review those documents to assist with the transition process.
- PCS - Getting Your ACS and EFMP Clearing Stamp
ACS clearing locations:
- Army Community Service (Relocation) - ACS Center, Bldg. 1526
- ACS Exceptional Family Member Program (EFMP) - ACS Annex, Bldg. 7492
Remote Soldiers, outside of the area, can clear via email, click here to submit your request.
For Soldiers clearing via email: Within 2 business days, you'll be emailed an ACS clearing memorandum. It takes the place of ACS stamps on clearing papers and you are NOT required to visit ACS in-person. For help, call +1(719)526-0457 or +1(719)526-0466.
- Separating - Getting your AER Clearing Stamp
Separating Soldiers (e.g. chapter, ETS, retire) go to the ACS Center, Bldg. 1526 to clear.
Remote Soldiers: If you are outside of the area, you can clear via email, click here to submit your request. Within 2 business days, you'll be emailed an ACS clearing memorandum. It takes the place of ACS stamps on clearing papers and you are NOT required to visit ACS to get actual stamps. For help, call +1(719)526-0457 or +1(719)526-0466.

Whether it’s your first move or last of many, knowing what's available can make all the difference. Start by checking out the below information. For our program flyer, click here.