New Volunteer Orientation, VMIS and OPOC Training

Mar 26 2025, 1:30 pm - 3 pm
Mar 26 2025, 1:30 pm - 3 pm
All volunteers are required to track their volunteer service hours in the Army's Volunteer Management Information System (VMIS). A New Volunteer Orientation, VMIS and OPOC (Organizational Point of Contact) Training is offered the last Wednesday of each month from 1330 to 1500, at the ACS Main Center, Building 1526, room 213.
The New Volunteer Orientation, VMIS and OPOC Training is a requirement for all new volunteers and OPOCs. The orientation discusses the expectations for both the volunteer and the unit/directorate/organization. The session covers Army regulation as it pertains to volunteer service and volunteers. The training also includes a hands-on demonstration on how to use VMIS to enter service hours, apply for volunteer positions, upload earned awards, and much more.
For OPOCs, the training covers the basics of volunteer Recruitment, Retention and Recognition as well as the functions and capabilities of the VMIS system; and how it helps track volunteers and service hours. OPOCs will also learn what volunteer paperwork needs to be completed in order to comply with Army Regulation.
Advantages of to using VMIS
- The system is used throughout the entire Army.
- Once a volunteer creates an account (profile) and learns the capabilities of the system, they are able to continue their volunteer work seamlessly from post to post without having to re-register with each move.
- Service Members who are pursuing a citation/award/medal can track service hours through the VMIS system--DD4162 and DD4713 are generated by the system.
- Spouses/Family Members can track volunteer service for resumes, academic programs (National Honor Society, etc.), college applications.
- VMIS serves as a repository which maintains/stores all service information entered for future reference.
Fort Carson Operation Good Samaritan
Volunteers may track volunteer hours served with any non-profit organization (501c 3 and 6) anywhere throughout the Colorado Springs and Manitou in VMIS. For more info on Fort Carson Operation Good Samaritan, contact the Army Volunteer Corps Program Manager (located at ACS, bldg. 1526).
Registration Information
Army Volunteer Corps
Army Community Service - ACS Center