- Food
- Shelter
- Transportation
- & much more.
ACS Services are available virtually to include Army Emergency Relief.
Limited in-person services are available only to people under extreme
circumstances. Clients can call 719.526.4590.
Please leave a message if you are not immediately connected with an ACS
AER application documents are available to for download at https://carson.armymwr.com/programs/army-emergency-relief-aer. Clients that have access to an encrypted email can send their application and supporting documents to usarmy.carson.imcom-fmwrc.list.dfmwr-w-acs-financial-readiness@mail.mil
Clients who need a secure upload site to transmit your AER application and supporting documents please call AER at (719) 526-4783.
If you are in a financial emergency AER can be the relief you need to get to the next step in your life. AER is the Army's own emergency financial assistance organization and is dedicated to "Helping the Army Take Care of its Own."
Catagories of assistance include:
AER is a private non-profit organization whose mission is to provide financial assistance to Soldiers and Family Members; Widows and Widowers, Retirees; and Retiree Family members needing financial assistance in an unforeseen emergency situation. AER financial assistance is conducted within the Army structure by mission commanders and garrison commanders through AER Sections located at U.S. Army installations worldwide.