- SOS Support Coordinators
- Helpful Survivor Resources:
- http://www.dfas.mil
- http://www.ssa.gov
- https://www.hrc.army.mil
- http://www.va.gov
- http://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil
- https://americanwidowproject.org
- http://www.goldstarmoms.com
- https://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil
- https://www.ssa.gov
- http://www.militarywidows.org
- http://www.taps.org
- http://www.tricare.mil
- https://www.vetcenter.va.gov/Bereavement_Counseling.asp
- http://www.militaryonesource.mil
- http://www.archives.gov
- http://dcsg9.army.mil/safr/sos/sos-gold-star.html
- http://dmv.colorado.gov/license-plates-military
- http://www.dfas.mil
- http://www.ssa.gov
- https://www.hrc.army.mil
- http://www.va.gov
- http://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil
- https://americanwidowproject.org
- http://www.goldstarmoms.com
- https://myarmybenefits.us.army.mil
- https://www.ssa.gov
- http://www.militarywidows.org
- http://www.taps.org
- http://www.tricare.mil
- https://www.vetcenter.va.gov/Bereavement_Counseling.asp
- http://www.militaryonesource.mil
- http://www.archives.gov
- http://dcsg9.army.mil/safr/sos/sos-gold-star.html
- http://dmv.colorado.gov/license-plates-military
SOS Mission: Build a unified program which embraces and reassures Survivors that they will be continually linked to the Army Family for as long as they desire.
SOS Purpose: The Army SOS Program ensures a seamless transition from the initial support provided by the Army’s Casualty and Mortuary Affairs Operations Division (CMAOD) to long-term, ongoing referral assistance for eligible survivors. Services are portable and, where available, may be provided at an Army location (including joint installations, ARNG installations or State headquarters, and USAR centers) closest to the survivor’s current residence.
SOS Support Coordinators are the Surviving Families link to finding resources and answers that work best for them. They can assist Survivors to obtain copies of documents, navigate local, state, and federal agencies. They can also connect Survivors with local and national support groups and bereavement resources. They also provide information and referral on a wide range of other topics.
The SOS Program connects you with people who can help . Our services include grief counseling, financial counseling, benefits coordination, support groups, peer to peer support and information about garrison and surrounding events.
Say Connected: For up-to-date information, remembrances, and events; follow us on Facebook: Fort Carson ACS SOS