- Not sure where to start. Let our ACS Specialist assist.
- Customer Rights
Privacy and Security: The Privacy Act of 1974, as amended, provides safeguards for the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) and similar rights for other PII in electronic, written, and spoken form. ACS service providers will provide informed consent for the services received. Authorized disclosures may include the following circumstances: when you sign a written release of information; when a clear and immediate danger to you or to others exists; when there is known or suspected child abuse or elder abuse; when there is known or suspected domestic abuse not covered by restricted reporting policy; and when ordered by a court of law.
Access to records: ACS uses an electronic case management system to track information on services provided. To request a copy of your record, visit the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Requests for Fort Carson webpage. For assistance, call +1(719)526-1949.
Right of Self-determination: We recognize the uniqueness of every individual and Family. Your ACS service provider will work with you to develop an Individual Service Plan tailored to meet your needs.
Refusal of Services: ACS services are voluntary; you may terminate services at any time unless Command directed.
Grievances, alternative services, and referrals: You have the right to request a different ACS service provider, and alternative options regarding resource referrals to meet the goals of your Individual Service Plan. If at any time you are dissatisfied with ACS services, please ask to see the Program Manager or ACS Director.
- Customer Responsibilities
- Respect and consideration of other customers and ACS staff is essential.
- Adherence to your Individual Service Plan by following through with resource referrals on a timely basis and informing your ACS service provider regarding concerns or changes in your needs.
- Voice your concerns or disagreements with recommended interventions, referrals, or Individual Service Plan, and allow time for adjustments if required.
- Arrive on time for scheduled appointments and cancel or change appointments at least two (2) working days in advance.
- Maintain accurate information and records by reporting changes in your address or phone number and responding to calls or letters to the best of your ability.
- Provide feedback on the quality and effectiveness of services and resource referrals.
- Grievance Process
If you would like to report a grievance, you have the option to:
- Ask to see the Program Manager
- Ask to see the ACS Director
- Submit Online
- Requesting Alternative Services and Referrals
If you would like to request an alternative option for a service, select from the following:
- Ask to see the Program Manager
- Ask to see the ACS Director
- Submit Online
- Adaptation of Services - Requesting Assistance
Clients who need additional assistance, can reach out to the Information and Referral Program Specialist to coordinate support prior to visiting ACS. Includes support for language interpretation, American Sign Language (ASL), and individuals who are blind or visually impaired.
For assistance, call +1(719)526-1949 or submit an online request.