- Garcia Fitness Center
- Ivy Fitness Center
- McKibben Fitness Center
- Shemin Fitness Center
- Waller Fitness Center
- Fitness Center Rules and Helpful Information
- Please report any discrepancy/injuries to a facility staff member immediately.
- Eligible patrons with valid military identification may use Fort Carson Fitness Centers.
- Individuals misusing the facility or failing to comply with instructions of facility staff are subject to immediate expulsion from the premises.
- Violation of policies listed may result in family members losing facility privileges and military personnel being subject to disciplinary action under UCMJ.
- Eligible patrons ages 16-17 may utilize Fort Carson Fitness Centers without parental/adult supervision.
- Eligible patrons ages 13-15 may utilize Fort Carson Fitness Center on the condition that they must be actively engaged in fitness center activities while systematically supervised by and within arm’s reach of their parent or guardian. Non-compliance is deemed as loitering.
- Individuals under 13-years old are not authorized to utilize Garcia, McKibben, and Waller Fitness Centers. Non-compliance is deemed as loitering. Children 12-years old and under may use the indoor track, basketball courts and racquetball courts at Ivy Fitness Center under direct supervision of an adult that 18-years old, or older from 0830 - 1500. Strollers and infant carriers are also authorized during this timeframe.
- Sports & Fitness Staff are required to review and settle any situation/discrepancy that may jeopardize the safety of the patrons in any Fort Carson Physical Fitness Facility.
- Group Exercise Policies
- All information contained within the Fitness Class Schedule is subject to change
- DFMWR programs and classes take priority over all other uses.
- Doors are shut and locked for the duration of the class to eliminate any disruptions.
- Class participants are considered LATE after 10 minutes and are not be allowed to enter.
- No refunds issued.
- Class participants/instructors are required to leave 5 minutes prior to the next class beginning.
- The group exercise rooms are off limits to non-participants once the class has begun. This includes children ages 12 and under, who are NOT participating in kids’ age-appropriate programs held by Fort Carson Physical Fitness Centers. Please make appropriate child care arrangements to attend class.
- Teens aged 13-15 can participate in group exercise classes WITH a participating parent or sponsor. 100% ID check in effect at all times.
- Unsupervised children and loitering are NOT allowed in Group Exercise Rooms or at any Fort Carson Physical Fitness Center. Please make appropriate child care arrangements.
- Fitness Attire Policy
- Examples of appropriate fitness attire to wear at Fort Carson Fitness Facilities are full-length opaque athletic tops (short-sleeved/long-sleeved/sleeveless), mid-rise or higher opaque athletic bottoms with inseams ranging from mid-thigh to ankle length, and Military PT Uniforms.
- Athletic footwear that provides sufficient support and protection, while engaged in physical activity, is required.
- Profanity, sexually suggestive, and/or lewd comments displayed on clothing is not allowed.
- Individuals wearing inappropriately revealing clothing that highlights cleavage and/or exposes the midsection and/or genitalia are notified to cover up/change attire or leave the facility.
- Fort Carson MWR staff reserve the right to notify patrons in violation of the Fitness Attire Policy to cover up/change attire or leave the facility.
- Guest Policy and Guest Application Form
- Eligible patrons may act as a sponsor and bring non-DOD guests to Fort Carson gyms.
- An eligible patron/sponsor has DOD-issued identification and falls into one of the following categories: Active Duty military, Retirees, Reservists, DOD civilians, DOD contractors, military dependents and other users as defined in AR 215-1, table 7-1.
- All sponsors and guests must present valid and verifiable identification at the front desk.
- Sponsors must be 18 years of age or older.
- Sponsors may bring up to two (2) guests per visit.
- Sponsors are held liable at all times for their guest's conduct at any Fort Carson gym.
- Sponsor(s) and their guest(s) must enter and depart the facility together.
- DOD civilian sponsors have no limit on the amount of times that they may bring immediate family members as guests.
- An immediate family member is defined as a sponsor's child (no more than 22 years old) or a spouse.
- Guests with no military affiliation or whose dependent status does not reflect any of the previously mentioned requirements may use Fort Carson gyms a maximum of 4 times in a month.
- Sponsors and guests must complete the Guest Application Form (PDF) and complete the sign-in and sign-out portions of the document for every visit.
- Failure to sign out prior to exiting the facility results in the sponsor’s loss of guest privileges.
100% ID check in effect at all times.
Fort Carson MWR has 5 gyms in convenient locations for every fitness enthusiast. Each gym offers weight rooms, cardio rooms, fitness classes, personal training and a wide range of services.
Please keep in mind that the overall safety and atmosphere conducive to adult exercise is the highest priority of the Sports and Fitness staff. Thank you for your help in providing a great workout environment for the Fort Carson community.
All information is subject to change.